We have all experienced feeling too much of it at some point.

And for a lot of us we may not know how to deal with these overwhelming times in a healthy way. This can lead to other problems in our lives. You may notice that you are unmotivated or that you have low energy. Maybe you are getting very irritable at little issues.

Perhaps you are eating a lot more or a lot less because of the stress you are experiencing. Or maybe you have even started to get headaches, migraines or other bodily aches and pains. There are many signs that your external world is causing a lot of pressure, sometimes too much pressure and it’s important for you to know how to handle this pressure the best way possible.

That’s where Hypnosis can help you!


Kitchener Hypnosis has been amazing at helping me to relax my anxieties and giving me the tools and encouragement to achieve my goals. It has truly been an exciting journey and I look forward to my continued success. Highly recommended!

Rikia B.

Kitchener, ON


The hypnosis program has transformed my life. I no longer feel overwhelmed by hurdles. I feel empowered and in control of how I react to people and situations. Tamara has helped me learn to be compassionate towards myself and I have watched as internal shifts have become external changes. I am thinking in a completely new way and feel as if I am a totally different person that I was 2 months ago!

Sarah G.

Kitchener, ON

At Kitchener Hypnosis we understand that having overwhelming Stress can take away from enjoying your life fully. By having the one on one attention and having customized programs, we can help you to finally have healthy tools in managing big and small stresses.

Allowing you to feel free and positive focusing more on what really matters to you. We can help you to enjoy your day to day life by using safe, natural and effective tools that can be used in every area of your life.

Our Client Success Stories


When I started this process I couldn't imagine getting through the challenging moments. I have now learned through this process that I can manage stressful situations using practical, simple tools. I now feel much more in control of my journey, I feel optimistic and I realize that I can always continue to make positive changes.

Penny Buck

St. Jacobs, ON


After just 2 weeks, I have noticed that I am more confident and satisfied. I am also not as anxious as I used to be. I have lost around 8 lbs so far and have been loving going to the gym regularly. Another tangible change that I can see but wasn't planning on being a goal is that I am now focusing on learning new things. I have begun playing the ukulele. I am grateful for teh changes I can see in myself.

Madhav K



I now feel like I have regained control of my life and am able to make better decisions. I've gotten out of a rut that would have ended up with me in a ditch. I have new tools to help me deal with the difficulties I was facing. I feel calmer, not wound up inside, not tense, not confrontational. I look forward to and enjoy the peaceful relaxation I get from listening to the tapes that were recommended. I am looking forward to living a peaceful and productive life without alcohol, stress and grudges.

Scott W.

Sales Support


I have been coming to Kitchener Hypnosis for managing stress and it has helped tremendously. I am now able to calm myself and change my way of thinking when I feel that overwhelming approach and stop them from fully forming. Tamara's soothing voice and knowledgeable suggestions have struck with me and continue to help me on a daily basis...5+++ stars, I would recommend Kitchener Hypnosis and their work to anyone. Thank you so much for all your help.

Charles Graham, Security

Kitchener, ON

Frank at Kitchener Hypnosis has helped me in improving so many aspects of my life. He has helped me with confidence building in fostering connections with people that I want to be friends with. He has allowed me to feel less stressed in social situations, which has also helped me to be the sociable person that I want to be. Frank has helped me with my long-standing issues with procrastination. It feels so natural to me now to complete my school work or tasks in a timely manner that I no longer feel guilty about procrastinating. Finally, Frank is helping me kick my annoying habit of fidgeting. I don't feel like I have to or want to fidget now.

Sally Xie


I feel that I now have the tools and mindset to better navigate my everyday. I can now better tackle what previously made me feel overwhelmed. I have become more mindful of my emotions and how I feel. I have a different mindset, and approach situations with more confidence and feeling like I can control my reaction. I was skeptical at how much I would be able to change with 3 sessions but I do feel a difference, especially with my mindset and approach to situations that used to upset me.

Anna D.

Kitchener, ON

Before doing the hypnosis program I was terrified of wasps and hornets. Just a few weeks before the program, it was getting to the point where I could barely go outside without sweating and feeling tense and stressed out. During the program I found that I got progressively more confident and stress free outside and around wasps and hornets. Now at the end of the program feel way more confident around wasps and hornets and I can really enjoy being outside.

Daniel N.


I came to the Hypnosis Center for my anxiety related to flying and being a passenger in a car. After my sessions I now feel I have the tools that I can use to reduce stress not only with flying and travel but in other areas of my life. I am feeling confident and excited about traveling to distant places for work and pleasure.

Tracey S.

Nurse Manager

When I first came here I was desperate to get over an unrealistic fear. I have found acceptance of my condition and can now go totally forward with No Fear or anxiety. I feel positive about all facts of life. I am excited that the fear is gone and I made that happen, the life I lead is all mine.

Donna L.T.


I feel more confident and happy. My husband has remarked that he sees the "old" me again. I am getting compliments regarding my weight loss and "up" attitude. I feel strong. I am looking forward to my future now that I can see the positive in it. I feel more in control of my life. I am able, capable, self-confident, self-reliant and forward looking person. Bring it on – I am ready!

M.P. Watson


Our Services

Book Your Free Hypnotic Screening Below

We provide a 30-40 minute FREE screening.

It’s interesting and enlightening. We will give you an in depth and truthful explanation of hypnosis and assess your situation.

If we do not believe hypnosis will benefit you, we will tell you so.

We are Located at:

Unit 4-180 Northfield Dr W,

Waterloo, Ontario, N2LoC7

Call us at:

(548) 255-0733

Kitchener Hypnosis Centre offers custom programs for Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Self-Confidence and Improve Sports & Academic Performance.

Our hypnosis programs help clients with:

Stress Management, Pain Management, Relationship Counselling, and To Let Go of Fears.

Kitchener Hypnosis proudly serves the areas of Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, London, Guelph, Fergus, Elora, St. Jacobs, Elmira, and surrounding communities.

Northfield Dr W, Waterloo, ON, Canada

NOTE: Kitchener Hypnosis offers training in self-hypnosis for self-help. We are not a medical facility and do not diagnose or treat medical conditions.

The service we provide is for educational purposes only. It is not therapy and is not meant as a replacement for any other intervention. Endorsements produced by clinics using the Master Hypnotist Society Method of Hypnosis Training.