Finally Be Free of the Habit! Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Today!

Are you Tired of the Hassle of Smoking

  • Coughing and clearing your throat throughout each day?

  • Trying to quit using things like the patch, e-cigarettes, gum, and other drugs only to smoke again?

  • Trouble breathing even with the smallest activity?

  • Spending thousands of dollars each year on a habit you know is harming your health?

Join the thousands of people who have successfully given up their addiction to cigarettes with the help of hypnosis.

Find out today how fast and easy it can be to be rid of smoking for good. We can help!

Help Is A Click Or Phone Call Away.

Our Client Success Stories


All I can say is "WOW." I now have the confidence and the strength to do what I've been trying for years! I'm no longer embarrassed by the smell of smoke when I'm interacting with other people. I don't feel like I'm being controlled when leaving my house, for example: "Oh where are my cigarettes and lighter?" I'm way more relaxed knowing I'm not in control of my life. Not to mention how much money I am saving!

Lorraine D

Kitchener, ON

I Really enjoyed hypnosis, that I Quit smoking after the first visit, but not only that but Frank showed me that I can use the extra time that I have to move forward in my life and feel happier knowing that I'll live longer and be with my family.

John Matthews

Senior Tech

I am 47 years old now. I have smoked for 30 years - about 2/3 of my life! I hardly remember when I didn't smoke. I have tried many times over the past 10 years at least to quit smoking - with varied success - but I always started again. My neighbor told me about hypnosis and how it helped him. I looked into it, booked my consultation and had my first session. My last cigarette was at 40:30pm the day of my first session. And that is the last one for me ever. This feels so different from the other methods of quitting. There's no jitters or shakes, no longing, no sense of loss. Just do it - you will be so glad that you did.

Kevin Fox - Engineer

Kitchener, ON

After 53 years of smoking. I decided it was time to quit. I tried many different things but nothing worked. I decided to give hypnosis a shot at first, I figured it would be a waste of time. But it turns out to be exactly what I expected. Not only did I quit smoking after my first session I never felt the urge to smoke either. Being smoke-free after 53 years, it’s like starting my life all over again. I’m really looking forward to the next 53 years has a nonsmoker.

Charles Graham, Security

Kitchener, ON

I learnt that I have the power within myself to quit smoking and move forward into a much healthier lifestyle. I started smoking 4 years ago due to others, family and health complications. I started smoking so much that I was up to 2 packs a day. This took so much time away from my family and others. I am now smoke free and reinventing myself!

Marcy Freer

Educational Assistant

In the beginning, I came to Frank Le as a smoker that knew I should quit but wasn't 100% committed to quit. With Frank's help, we slowly worked thru the process of eliminating the reasons I held onto for not quitting. I know now, this is my choice. I am now equipped to say no and am a Non-Smoker. Frank's patience and guidance has got me there. Thank you



I have learned the importance of living for myself before others. The past is okay to think about, as long as you use it for feedback. Always forgive yourself and continue to move forward, I want to offer my full potential to the world. It is okay to let go, God has a plan for all of us and as long as he keeps waking me up every morning I know that I am needed. I was born into this world a non smoker, and that's the way I want to live it.

Ilija I.

Drywall / Taping

I was learn new ways to help cope with different stuff that comes up as stress and forgiveness. Feel at calming and relaxing. When I listened to my tapes. Knowing that I can beat and overcome my smoking. I learned how to relax more and knowing I don't have to save everyone else's problem. Going forward I will continue to listen to the tapes and be more happy. And smoke free. Smoking a pack a day. Now only 3 per day or less in one week.

Doug P.

Project Manager

Those looking for positive change should definitely look into Kitchener Hypnosis. I have struggled with trying to quit smoking for many years. I was a pack a day smoker. I tried patches and could never go more than a week smoke free. With hypnosis I have easily quit smoking in one try. I feel totally in control of my actions and will never smoke again. I am calm and use my breathing control to conquer all issues in my life. I feel physically fit and very healthy. I wish I had done this many years ago.

Derrik H.

General Manager

I used to smoke a pack a day. It took up so much of my time and interfered with my relationship with my husband and kids. Coming here has helped me start a new and positive life. There have been several benefits such as feeling better, clear head and more energy. I look forward to my new life with my husband and children. Yah to the New Me!

Shawna G.


I was a heavy smoker before I started seeing Frank. I would use smoking as an escape from my problems. I would use smoking as a way not to be alone. I thought I was addicted, but Frank showed me that I was choosing to smoke because I was afraid to face my own thoughts. I am now smoke free and Frank has taught me that I have much to give and that I also have the ability to face my emotions and turn them into wisdom for others which has helped me to not even think about smoking again.

Brandon Marji

Facility Manager

Our Services

Book Your Free Hypnotic Screening Below

We provide a 30-40 minute FREE screening.

It’s interesting and enlightening. We will give you an in depth and truthful explanation of hypnosis and assess your situation.

If we do not believe hypnosis will benefit you, we will tell you so.

We are Located at:

Unit 4-180 Northfield Dr W,

Waterloo, Ontario, N2LoC7

Call us at:

(548) 255-0733

Kitchener Hypnosis Centre offers custom programs for Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Self-Confidence and Improve Sports & Academic Performance.

Our hypnosis programs help clients with:

Stress Management, Pain Management, Relationship Counselling, and To Let Go of Fears.

Kitchener Hypnosis proudly serves the areas of Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, London, Guelph, Fergus, Elora, St. Jacobs, Elmira, and surrounding communities.

Northfield Dr W, Waterloo, ON, Canada

NOTE: Kitchener Hypnosis offers training in self-hypnosis for self-help. We are not a medical facility and do not diagnose or treat medical conditions.

The service we provide is for educational purposes only. It is not therapy and is not meant as a replacement for any other intervention. Endorsements produced by clinics using the Master Hypnotist Society Method of Hypnosis Training.